Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Fuck the wind!

Can't sleep. Not sure if its the crazy wind outside my window or in my head. Either way it sucks.
Come on melatonin... kick in!!

Friday, March 1, 2013

Being sick sucks

Ha! As if anyone really likes to be sick. Way to state the obvious.

I remember being in school trying to convince my mom I was sick so I could stay home all day and watch Real World on MTV. I was convinced that one day I would be on that show.

Now if I stay home from work for actually being sick, I'm on my death bed. Sure, I've called in sick when I was hung over or decided my roommate had kidney stones and she needed me to take her to the dr.

That's probably why when I got strep my dr said I would feel better in 24 hours but to take the next 3 days off work, I still feel dead 72 hours into it. SICKNESS KARMA.

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Everyone has their own definition

Who defines what the perfect man or woman is? I mean, my list of perfection doesn't match up with a lot of my friends. On my list it includes: the ability to drive a manual transmission, be taller than I am and doesn't cry.

I've been told that I could be the perfect woman. I cook, clean, watch sports, participate in raunchy joke telling. However, I'm not a size 2 with a great job. I have strange quirks and wear glasses.

So who decided that being the skinny bitch, who is miserable because she can't eat or drink, is what the perfect woman is. I know that's what guys want. That's who they end up choosing. They seldom go for the girl with great wife qualities and a personality.